
From Yade

Revision as of 10:08, 5 July 2010 by Eudoxos (talk | contribs)

This page is deprecated, go to Sphinx's Publications instead

All articles were now converted to bibtex (many thanks to Anton for that work).

Discarded comments

(should be put somewhere in the documentation)

If you use the triaxial test and you want to give a reference to a paper describing algorithms for compaction and stress/strain control, (almost) everything was explained in: ((Chareyre2002)).

If you use the sphere-padder packing algorithm, please cite these papers: ((Jerier2009)),((Jerier2010))


  1. ?? J-F. Jerier, B. Harthong, V. Richefeu, B. Chareyre, D. Imbault, F.V Donze and P. Doremus „ Modelling of high-density compaction of granular materials by the discrete element method”. International Journal of Solids and Structures, Powder technology (to be published) 2010.