Publications on Yade

Publications on Yade itself or done with Yade are listed on this page.

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With the increasing rate of publications using Yade it became difficult to list them all, therefore coverage of recent years is only partial. You can help us: if you publish or you know publications related to Yade do not hesitate to add it to this list. If you don’t have direct access to the source code, please send the reference (as a bibtex item) to Yade developpers. If a pdf PDF is freely available, add url for direct fulltext downlad. Yade’s web server will gladly host such PDF if legally permitted.

Citing Yade

Corresponding bibtex entries here. See also “Acknowledging Yade”.

[yade:doc3]V. Smilauer et al. Yade Documentation 3rd ed.. The Yade Project. DOI 10.5281/zenodo.5705394 (

Journal articles

[Abdallah2022]Abdallah, Ali, Aboul Hosn, Rodaina, Al Tfaily, Bilal, Sibille, Luc (2022), Identifying parameters of a discrete numerical model of soil from a geotechnical field test. European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, pages 1–20.
[Abdi2022]Abdi, Rezvan, Krzaczek, Marek, Tejchman, J (2022), Comparative study of high-pressure fluid flow in densely packed granules using a 3D CFD model in a continuous medium and a simplified 2D DEM-CFD approach. Granular Matter (24), pages 1–25. (fulltext)
[Abdi2023]Abdi, Rezvan, Krzaczek, Marek, Tejchman, J (2023), Simulations of high-pressure fluid flow in a pre-cracked rock specimen composed of densely packed bonded spheres using a 3D CFD model and simplified 2D coupled CFD-DEM approach. Powder Technology (417), pages 118238.
[Aboul2017]Aboul Hosn, R., Sibille, L., Benahmed, N., Chareyre, B. (2017), Discrete numerical modeling of loose soil with spherical particles and interparticle rolling friction. Granular Matter (19). DOI 10.1007/s10035-016-0687-0 (fulltext)
[Aboul2018]Aboul R. Hosn, L. Sibille, N. Benahmed, B. Chareyre (2018), A discrete numerical model involving partial fluid-solid coupling to describe suffusion effects in soils. Computers and Geotechnics (95), pages 30–39. DOI (fulltext)
[Albaba2015]Albaba, A, Lambert, S, Nicot, F, Chareyre, B (2015), Relation between microstructure and loading applied by a granular flow to a rigid wall using DEM modeling. Granular Matter (17), pages 603–616. DOI 10.1007/s10035-015-0579-8
[Angelidakis2021]Angelidakis, Vasileios, Nadimi, Sadegh, Utili, Stefano (2021), SHape Analyser for Particle Engineering (SHAPE): Seamless characterisation and simplification of particle morphology from imaging data. Computer Physics Communications.
[Asadi2022]Asadi, Mohsen, Mahboubi, Ahmad, Thoeni, Klaus (2022), Towards more realistic modelling of sand-rubber mixtures considering shape, deformability and micro-mechanics. Canadian Geotechnical Journal.
[Bance2014]Bance, S., Fischbacher, J., Schrefl, T., Zins, I., Rieger, G., Cassignol, C. (2014), Micromagnetics of shape anisotropy based permanent magnets. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (363), pages 121–124.
[Barbosa2022b]Barbosa, Luis Alfredo Pires, Gerke, Kirill M, Gerke, Horst H (2022), Modelling of soil mechanical stability and hydraulic permeability of the interface between coated biopore and matrix pore regions. Geoderma (410), pages 115673. (fulltext)
[Barbosa2022a]Barbosa, Luis Alfredo Pires, Gerke, Kirill M, Munkholm, Lars J, Keller, Thomas, Gerke, Horst H (2022), Discrete element modeling of aggregate shape and internal structure effects on Weibull distribution of tensile strength. Soil and Tillage Research (219), pages 105341. (fulltext)
[Barbosa2020b]Barbosa, Luis Alfredo Pires, Keller, Thomas, de Oliveira Ferraz, Antonio Carlos (2020), Scale effect of aggregate rupture: Using the relationship between friability and fractal dimension to parameterise discrete element models. Powder Technology (375), pages 327–336.
[Barbosa2020]Barbosa, Luis Alfredo Pires (2020), Modelling the aggregate structure of a bulk soil to quantify fragmentation properties and energy demand of soil tillage tools in the formation of seedbeds. Biosystems Engineering (197), pages 203–215.
[Barros2023]Barros, Guilherme, Pereira, Andre, Rojek, Jerzy, Carter, John, Thoeni, Klaus (2023), Efficient multi-scale staggered coupling of discrete and boundary element methods for dynamic problems. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering (415), pages 116227.
[Basson2023]Basson, Mandeep Singh, Martinez, Alejandro (2023), Numerical and experimental estimation of anisotropy in granular soils using multi-orientation shear wave velocity measurements. Granular Matter (25), pages 55.
[Benniou2020]Benniou, H., Accary, A., Malecot, Y., Briffaut, M., Daudeville, L. (2020), Discrete element modeling of concrete under high stress level: influence of saturation ratio. Computational Particle Mechanics. DOI 10.1007/s40571-020-00318-5
[Binelo2022]Binelo, Manuel O, Lima, Rodolfo F, Faoro, Vanessa, Binelo, Marcia FB (2022), Computational modelling of a grain spreader for use in silos. Biosystems Engineering (223), pages 29–40.
[Bonilla2015]Bonilla-Sierra, V., Scholtès, L., Donzé, F.V., Elmouttie, M.K. (2015), Rock slope stability analysis using photogrammetric data and DFN–DEM modelling. Acta Geotechnica, pages 1–15. DOI 10.1007/s11440-015-0374-z (fulltext)
[Boon2015]Boon, C.W., Houlsby, G.T., Utili, S. (2015), A new rock slicing method based on linear programming. Computers and Geotechnics (65), pages 12–29. DOI 10.1016/j.compgeo.2014.11.007 (fulltext)
[Boon2015b]Boon, C.W., Houlsby, G.T., Utili, S. (2015), Designing Tunnel Support in Jointed Rock Masses Via the DEM. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering (48), pages 603–632. DOI 10.1007/s00603-014-0579-8 (fulltext)
[Boon2014]Boon, C.W., Houlsby, G.T., Utili, S. (2014), New insights into the 1963 Vajont slide using 2D and 3D distinct-element method analyses. Géotechnique (64), pages 800–816. DOI 10.1680/geot.14.P.041 (fulltext)
[Boon2013]Boon, C.W., Houlsby, G.T., Utili, S. (2013), A new contact detection algorithm for three-dimensional non-spherical particles. Powder Technology (248), pages 94–102. DOI 10.1016/j.powtec.2012.12.040 (fulltext)
[Boon2012]Boon, C.W., Houlsby, G.T., Utili, S. (2012), A new algorithm for contact detection between convex polygonal and polyhedral particles in the discrete element method. Computers and Geotechnics (44), pages 73–82. DOI 10.1016/j.compgeo.2012.03.012 (fulltext)
[Bourrier2013]Bourrier, F., Kneib, F., Chareyre, B., Fourcaud, T. (2013), Discrete modeling of granular soils reinforcement by plant roots. Ecological Engineering. DOI 10.1016/j.ecoleng.2013.05.002 (fulltext)
[Bourrier2015]Bourrier, F., Lambert, S., Baroth, J. (2015), A reliability-based approach for the design of rockfall protection fences. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering (48), pages 247–259.
[Brzezinski2022]Brzezinski Karol, Anton Gladky (2022), Clump breakage algorithm for DEM simulation of crushable aggregates. Tribology International (173), pages 107661. DOI (fulltext)
[Brzezinski2023a]Brzezinski Karol, Zbiciak Artur, Anton Gladky (2023), Implementation of a viscoelastic boundary condition to Yade – open source DEM software. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (62), pages 355–364. DOI (fulltext)
[Brzezinski2023b]Brzezi’nski, Karol, Cike.zkowski, Pawel, Bkak, Sebastian (2023), Tricking the fractal nature of granular materials subjected to crushing. Powder Technology (425), pages 118601.
[Catalano2014a]Catalano, E., Chareyre, B., Barthélémy, E. (2014), Pore-scale modeling of fluid-particles interaction and emerging poromechanical effects. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics (38), pages 51–71. DOI 10.1002/nag.2198 (fulltext) (
[Caulk2019]Caulk Robert A., Emanuele Catalano, Bruno Chareyre (2019), Accelerating Yade’s poromechanical coupling with matrix factorization reuse, parallel task management, and GPU computing. Computer Physics Communications, pages 106991. DOI (fulltext)
[Caulk2020b]Caulk Robert, Luc Sholtès, Marek Krzaczek, Bruno Chareyre (2020), A pore-scale thermo–hydro-mechanical model for particulate systems. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering (372), pages 113292. DOI (fulltext)
[Caulk2020]Caulk, Robert A. (2020), Modeling acoustic emissions in heterogeneous rocks during tensile fracture with the Discrete Element Method. Open Geomechanics (2). DOI 10.5802/ogeo.5 (fulltext)
[Chalak2017]Chalak, C., Chareyre, B., Nikooee, E., Darve, F. (2017), Partially saturated media: from DEM simulation to thermodynamic interpretation. European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering (21), pages 798–820. DOI 10.1080/19648189.2016.1164087
[Chapelle2021]Chapelle, David, Maynadier, Anne, Bebon, Ludovic, Thi’ebaud, Fr’ed’eric (2021), Hydrogen Storage: Different Technologies, Challenges and Stakes. Focus on TiFe Hydrides. In Advances in Renewable Hydrogen and Other Sustainable Energy Carriers Springer ,
[Chareyre2012a]Chareyre, B., Cortis, A., Catalano, E., Barthélemy, E. (2012), Pore-Scale Modeling of Viscous Flow and Induced Forces in Dense Sphere Packings. Transport in Porous Media (92), pages 473–493. DOI 10.1007/s11242-011-9915-6 (fulltext)
[Chassagne2020]Chassagne, Rémi, Frey, Philippe, Maurin, Raphaël, Chauchat, Julien (2020), Mobility of bidisperse mixtures during bedload transport. Physical Review Fluids (5).
[Chassagne2023]Chassagne, R’emi, Bonamy, Cyrille, Chauchat, Julien (2023), A frictional–collisional model for bedload transport based on kinetic theory of granular flows: discrete and continuum approaches. Journal of Fluid Mechanics (964), pages A27.
[Chen2007]Chen, F., Drumm, E. C., Guiochon, G. (2007), Prediction/Verification of Particle Motion in One Dimension with the Discrete-Element Method. International Journal of Geomechanics, ASCE (7), pages 344–352. DOI 10.1061/(ASCE)1532-3641(2007)7:5(344)
[Chen2011a]Chen, F., Drumm, E., Guiochon G. (2011), Coupled discrete element and finite volume solution of two classical soil mechanics problems. Computers and Geotechnics. DOI 10.1016/j.compgeo.2011.03.009 (fulltext)
[Chen2014]Chen, J., Huang, B., Shu, X., Hu, C. (2014), DEM Simulation of Laboratory Compaction of Asphalt Mixtures Using an Open Source Code. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering.
[Chen2012]Chen, Jingsong, Huang, Baoshan, Chen, Feng, Shu, Xiang (2012), Application of discrete element method to Superpave gyratory compaction. Road Materials and Pavement Design (13), pages 480–500. DOI 10.1080/14680629.2012.694160 (fulltext)
[Cheng2016]Cheng, H., Yamamoto, H., Thoeni, K. (2016), Numerical study on stress states and fabric anisotropies in soilbags using the DEM. Computers and Geotechnics (76), pages 170–183. DOI 10.1016/j.compgeo.2016.03.006 (fulltext)
[Chevremont2020]Chèvremont, William, Bodiguel, Hugues, Chareyre, Bruno (2020), Lubricated contact model for numerical simulations of suspensions. Powder Technology (372), pages 600–610.
[Chevremont2019]Chèvremont, William, Chareyre, Bruno, Bodiguel, Hugues (2019), Quantitative study of the rheology of frictional suspensions: Influence of friction coefficient in a large range of viscous numbers. Physical Review Fluids (4), pages 064302.
[Coulibaly2020]Coulibaly, Jibril B, Shah, Manan, Loria, Alessandro F Rotta (2020), Thermal cycling effects on the structure and physical properties of granular materials. Granular Matter (22), pages 1–19.
[Cuomo2016]Cuomo, S., Chareyre, B., d’Arista, P., Sala, M.D., Cascini, L. (2016), Micromechanical modelling of rainsplash erosion in unsaturated soils by Discrete Element Method. CATENA (147), pages 146–152.
[Dang2010a]Dang, H. K., Meguid, M. A. (2010), Algorithm to Generate a Discrete Element Specimen with Predefined Properties. International Journal of Geomechanics (10), pages 85–91. DOI 10.1061/(ASCE)GM.1943-5622.0000028
[Dang2010b]Dang, H. K., Meguid, M. A. (2010), Evaluating the performance of an explicit dynamic relaxation technique in analyzing non-linear geotechnical engineering problems. Computers and Geotechnics (37), pages 125–131. DOI 10.1016/j.compgeo.2009.08.004
[DePue2019]De Pue Jan, Gemmina Di Emidio, R. Daniel Verastegui Flores, Adam Bezuijen, Wim M. Cornelis (2019), Calibration of DEM material parameters to simulate stress-strain behaviour of unsaturated soils during uniaxial compression. Soil and Tillage Research (194), pages 104303. DOI (fulltext)
[DePue2019b]De Pue, Jan, Cornelis, Wim M (2019), DEM simulation of stress transmission under agricultural traffic Part 1: Comparison with continuum model and parametric study. Soil and Tillage Research (195), pages 104408. DOI (fulltext)
[DePue2020a]De Pue, Jan, Lamand’e, Mathieu, Cornelis, Wim M (2020), DEM simulation of stress transmission under agricultural traffic Part 2: Shear stress at the tyre-soil interface. Soil and Tillage Research (203), pages 104660. DOI (fulltext)
[DePue2020b]De Pue, Jan, Lamand’e, Mathieu, Schjonning, Per, Cornelis, Wim M (2020), DEM simulation of stress transmission under agricultural traffic Part 3: Evaluation with field experiment. Soil and Tillage Research (200), pages 104606. DOI (fulltext)
[Deng2021]Deng, Na, Wautier, Antoine, Thiery, Yannick, Yin, Zhen-Yu, Hicher, Pierre-Yves, Nicot, Franccois (2021), On the attraction power of critical state in granular materials. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids (149).
[Dincc2023]Dincc G”oug”ucs, “Ozge, Avcsar, Elif, Develi, Kayhan, cCalik, Ayten (2023), Quantifying the Rock Damage Intensity Controlled by Mineral Compositions: Insights from Fractal Analyses. Fractal and Fractional (7), pages 383.
[Donze2008]Donzé, F.V. (2008), Impacts on cohesive frictional geomaterials. European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering (12), pages 967–985.
[Donze2021]Donzé, Frédéric-Victor, Klinger, Yann, Bonilla-Sierra, Viviana, Duriez, Jérôme, Jiao, Liqing, Scholtès, Luc (2021), Assessing the brittle crust thickness from strike-slip fault segments on Earth, Mars and Icy moons. Tectonophysics (805).
[Duriez2013]Duriez J., Darve F., Donzé F.V. (2013), Incrementally non-linear plasticity applied to rock joint modelling. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics (37), pages 453–477. DOI 10.1002/nag.1105 (fulltext)
[Duriez2011]Duriez J., Darve F.and Donzé F.V. (2011), A discrete modeling-based constitutive relation for infilled rock joints. International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences (48), pages 458–468. DOI 10.1016/j.ijrmms.2010.09.008
[Duriez2017c]Duriez J., M. Eghbalian, R. Wan, F. Darve (2017), The micromechanical nature of stresses in triphasic granular media with interfaces. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids (99), pages 495–511. DOI 10.1016/j.jmps.2016.10.011
[Duriez2018]Duriez J., R. Wan, M. Pouragha Mehdi, F. Darve Revisiting the existence of an effective stress for wet granular soils with micromechanics. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics (42), pages 959–978. DOI 10.1002/nag.2774
[Duriez2016b]Duriez J., R. Wan (2016), Stress in wet granular media with interfaces via homogenization and discrete element approaches. Journal of Engineering Mechanics (142). DOI 10.1061/(ASCE)EM.1943-7889.0001163
[Duriez2017]Duriez J., R. Wan (2017), Subtleties in discrete-element modelling of wet granular soils. Géotechnique (67), pages 365–370. DOI 10.1680/jgeot.15.P.113
[Duriez2017b]Duriez J., R. Wan (2017), Contact angle mechanical influence for wet granular soils. Acta Geotechnica (12), pages 67–83. DOI 10.1007/s11440-016-0500-6 (fulltext)
[Duriez2018b]Duriez J., R. Wan (2018), A micromechanical μUNSAT effective stress expression for stress-strain behaviour of wet granular materials. Geomechanics for Energy and the Environment (15), pages 10–18. DOI 10.1016/j.gete.2017.12.003
[Duriez2021a]Duriez J., S. Bonelli (2021), Precision and computational costs of Level Set-Discrete Element Method (LS-DEM) with respect to DEM. Computers and Geotechnics (134), pages 104033. DOI 10.1016/j.compgeo.2021.104033 (fulltext)
[Duriez2016]Duriez J., Scholtès L., Donzé F.V. (2016), Micromechanics of wing crack propagation for different flaw properties. Engineering Fracture Mechanics (153), pages 378 – 398. DOI 10.1016/j.engfracmech.2015.12.034
[Duriez2021b]Duriez Jérôme, Cédric Galusinski (2021), A Level Set-Discrete Element Method in YADE for numerical, micro-scale, geomechanics with refined grain shapes. Computers and Geosciences (157), pages 104936. DOI 10.1016/j.cageo.2021.104936 (fulltext)
[Dyck2015]Dyck, N.J., Straatman, A.G. (2015), A new approach to digital generation of spherical void phase porous media microstructures. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer (81), pages 470–477.
[Effeindzourou2016]Effeindzourou, A., Chareyre, B., Thoeni, K., Giacomini, A., Kneib, F. (2016), Modelling of deformable structures in the general framework of the discrete element method. Geotextiles and Geomembranes (44), pages 143–156. DOI 10.1016/j.geotexmem.2015.07.015
[Elias2014]Eliáš Jan (2014), Simulation of railway ballast using crushable polyhedral particles. Powder Technology (264), pages 458–465. DOI 10.1016/j.powtec.2014.05.052
[Epifancev2013]Epifancev, K., Nikulin, A., Kovshov, S., Mozer, S., Brigadnov, I. (2013), Modeling of Peat Mass Process Formation Based on 3D Analysis of the Screw Machine by the Code YADE. American Journal of Mechanical Engineering (1), pages 73–75. DOI 10.12691/ajme-1-3-3 (fulltext)
[Epifantsev2012]Epifantsev, K., Mikhailov, A., Gladky, A. (2012), Proizvodstvo kuskovogo torfa, ekstrudirovanie, forma zakhodnoi i kalibriruyushchei chasti fil’ery matritsy, metod diskretnykh elementov [RUS]. Mining informational and analytical bulletin (scientific and technical journal), pages 212–219.
[Favier2009a]Favier, L., Daudon, D., Donzé, F.V., Mazars, J. (2009), Predicting the drag coefficient of a granular flow using the discrete element method. Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment (2009), pages P06012.
[Favier2012]Favier, L., Daudon, D., Donzé, F.V. (2012), Rigid obstacle impacted by a supercritical cohesive granular flow using a 3D discrete element model. Cold Regions Science and Technology (85), pages 232–241. (fulltext)
[Feng2021]Feng, Shaochuan, Kamat, Amar M, Sabooni, Soheil, Pei, Yutao (2021), Experimental and numerical investigation of the origin of surface roughness in laser powder bed fused overhang regions. Virtual and Physical Prototyping, pages 1–19.
[Firouzabadi2023]Firouzabadi, Mahdeyeh, Esmaeili, Kamran, Rashkolia, Gholamreza Saeedi, Asadi, Mohsen (2023), A discrete element modelling of gravity flow in sublevel caving considering the shape and size distribution of particles. International Journal of Mining, Reclamation and Environment (37), pages 255–276.
[Giuliano2023]Giuliano, Lorenzo Vasquez, Buffo, Antonio, Vanni, Marco, Frungieri, Graziano (2023), Micromechanics and strength of agglomerates produced by spray drying. JCIS Open (9), pages 100068.
[Gladky2017]Gladkyy, Anton, Kuna, Meinhard (2017), DEM simulation of polyhedral particle cracking using a combined Mohr–Coulomb–Weibull failure criterion. Granular Matter (19), pages 41. DOI 10.1007/s10035-017-0731-8 (fulltext)
[Gladky2014]Gladkyy, Anton, Schwarze, Rüdiger (2014), Comparison of different capillary bridge models for application in the discrete element method. Granular Matter, pages 1–10. DOI 10.1007/s10035-014-0527-z (fulltext)
[Gougucs2020]Göğüş, Özge Dinç (2020), 3D discrete analysis of damage evolution of hard rock under tension. Arabian Journal of Geosciences (13), pages 1–11.
[Grabowski2021]Grabowski, A, Nitka, M, Tejchman, J (2021), Micro-modelling of shear localization during quasi-static confined granular flow in silos using DEM. Computers and Geotechnics (134).
[Grabowski2020]Grabowski, Aleksander, Nitka, Michal (2020), 3D DEM SIMULATIONS OF BASIC GEOTECHNICAL TESTS WITH EARLY DETECTION OF SHEAR LOCALIZATION.. Studia Geotechnica et Mechanica.
[Grujicic2013]Grujicic, M, Snipes, JS, Ramaswami, S, Yavari, R (2013), Discrete Element Modeling and Analysis of Structural Collapse/Survivability of a Building Subjected to Improvised Explosive Device (IED) Attack. Advances in Materials Science and Applications (2), pages 9–24.
[Guo2015]Guo N., J. Zhao (2015), Multiscale insights into classical geomechanics problems. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics. (under review)
[Guo2014]Guo, Ning, Zhao, Jidong (2014), A coupled FEM/DEM approach for hierarchical multiscale modelling of granular media. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering (99), pages 789–818. DOI 10.1002/nme.4702 (fulltext)
[Gusenbauer2018]Gusenbauer Markus, Thomas Schrefl (2018), Simulation of magnetic particles in microfluidic channels. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (446), pages 185–191. DOI 10.1016/j.jmmm.2017.09.031 (fulltext)
[Gusenbauer2012]Gusenbauer, M., Kovacs, A., Reichel, F., Exl, L., Bance, S., Özelt, H., Schrefl, T. (2012), Self-organizing magnetic beads for biomedical applications. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (324), pages 977–982.
[Gusenbauer2014]Gusenbauer, M., Nguyen, H., Reichel, F., Exl, L., Bance, S., Fischbacher, J., Özelt, H., Kovacs, A., Brandl, M., Schrefl, T. (2014), Guided self-assembly of magnetic beads for biomedical applications. Physica B: Condensed Matter (435), pages 21–24.
[Hadda2015]Hadda, N., Nicot, F., Wan, R., Darve, F. (2015), Microstructural self-organization in granular materials during failure. Comptes Rendus Mécanique.
[Hadda2013]Hadda, Nejib, Nicot, François, Bourrier, Franck, Sibille, Luc, Radjai, Farhang, Darve, Félix (2013), Micromechanical analysis of second order work in granular media. Granular Matter (15), pages 221–235. DOI 10.1007/s10035-013-0402-3 (fulltext)
[Harthong2012b]Harthong, B., Jerier, J.-F., Richefeu, V., Chareyre, B., Doremus, P., Imbault, D., Donzé, F.V. (2012), Contact impingement in packings of elastic–plastic spheres, application to powder compaction. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences (61), pages 32–43.
[Harthong2009]Harthong, B., Jerier, J.F., Doremus, P., Imbault, D., Donzé, F.V. (2009), Modeling of high-density compaction of granular materials by the Discrete Element Method. International Journal of Solids and Structures (46), pages 3357–3364. DOI 10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2009.05.008
[Hartmann2022]Hartmann, Philipp, Thoeni, Klaus, Rojek, Jerzy (2022), A generalised multi-scale Peridynamics–DEM framework and its application to rigid–soft particle mixtures. Computational Mechanics, pages 1–20.
[Hartong2012a]Harthong, B., Scholtès, L., Donzé, F.-V. (2012), Strength characterization of rock masses, using a coupled DEM–DFN model. Geophysical Journal International (191), pages 467–480. DOI 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2012.05642.x (fulltext)
[Hasan2016]Hasan, Alsidqi, Karrech, Ali, Chareyre, Bruno (2016), Evaluating Force Distributions within Virtual Uncemented Mine Backfill Using Discrete Element Method. International Journal of Geomechanics, pages 06016042.
[Hassan15]Hassan, Nadine Ali, Nguyen, Ngoc Son, Marot, Didier, Bendahmane, Fateh (2021), Effect of Scalping on the Mechanical Behavior of Coarse Soils. International Journal of Geotechnical and Geological Engineering (15), pages 64–74.
[Haustein2017]Haustein Martin, Anton Gladkyy, Rüdiger Schwarze (2017), Discrete element modeling of deformable particles in YADE. SoftwareX (6), pages 118–123. DOI ()
[Haven2023]van der Haven, Dingeman L. H., Fragkopoulos, Ioannis S., Elliott, James A. (2023), A physically consistent Discrete Element Method for arbitrary shapes using Volume-interacting Level Sets. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering (414), pages 116165. DOI 10.1016/j.cma.2023.116165
[He2021]He, Hantao, Zheng, Junxing, Li, Zhaochao (2021), Accelerated simulations of direct shear tests by physics engine. Computational Particle Mechanics (8), pages 471–492.
[Heider2021]Heider, Yousef, Suh, Hyoung Suk, Sun, WaiChing (2021), An offline multi-scale unsaturated poromechanics model enabled by self-designed/self-improved neural networks. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics.
[Hilton2013]Hilton, J. E., Tordesillas, A. (2013), Drag force on a spherical intruder in a granular bed at low Froude number. Phys. Rev. E (88), pages 062203. DOI 10.1103/PhysRevE.88.062203 (fulltext)
[Horvath2022]Horv’ath, D’aniel, Tam’as, Korn’el, Po’os, Tibor (2022), Viscoelastic contact model development for the discrete element simulations of mixing process in agitated drum. Powder Technology (397), pages 117038. (fulltext)
[Hosseinkhani2023]Hosseinkhani, Elham, Habibagahi, Ghassem, Nikooee, Ehsan (2023), Cyclic modeling of unsaturated sands using a pore-scale hydromechanical approach. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics (47), pages 457–481.
[Houlsby2009]Houlsby G.T. (2009), Potential particles: a method for modelling non-circular particles in DEM. Computers and Geotechnics (36), pages 953–959. DOI 10.1016/j.compgeo.2009.03.001 (fulltext)
[Hu2022]Hu, Z, Yang, ZX, Guo, N, Zhang, YD (2022), Multiscale modeling of seepage-induced suffusion and slope failure using a coupled FEM–DEM approach. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering (398), pages 115177.
[Huber2024]Marius Huber, Luc Scholtès, Jérôme Lavé (2024), Stability and failure modes of slopes with anisotropic strength: Insights from discrete element models. Geomorphology (444), pages 108946. DOI (fulltext)
[Hung2023]Hung, Chien-Cheng, Niemeijer, Andr’e R, Raoof, Amir, Sweijen, Thomas (2023), Investigation of strain localization in sheared granular layers using 3-D discrete element modeling. Tectonophysics, pages 229974.
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[Wang2014]Wang, XiaoLiang, Li, JiaChun (2014), Simulation of triaxial response of granular materials by modified DEM. Science China Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy (57), pages 2297–2308.
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[Xiong2021]Xiong, Hao, Yin, Zhen-Yu, Zhao, Jidong, Yang, Yi (2021), Investigating the effect of flow direction on suffusion and its impacts on gap-graded granular soils. Acta Geotechnica (16), pages 399–419.
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[Yang2022]Yang, Siyuan, Huang, Duruo, Wang, Gang, Jin, Feng (2022), Probing Fabric Evolution and Reliquefaction Resistance of Sands Using Discrete-Element Modeling. Journal of Engineering Mechanics (148), pages 04022023. (fulltext)
[Yang2023]Yang, Siyuan, Huang, Duruo (2023), Understanding fabric evolution and multiple liquefaction resistance of sands in the presence of initial static shear stress. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering (171), pages 107962.
[Yim2022]Yim, Seungkyun, Bian, Huakang, Aoyagi, Kenta, Yamanaka, Kenta, Chiba, Akihiko (2022), Spreading behavior of Ti48Al2Cr2Nb powders in powder bed fusion additive manufacturing process: Experimental and discrete element method study. Additive Manufacturing (49), pages 102489. (fulltext)
[Yim2023]Yim, Seungkyun, Aoyagi, Kenta, Yanagihara, Keiji, Bian, Huakang, Chiba, Akihiko (2023), Effect of mechanical ball milling on the electrical and powder bed properties of gas-atomized Ti–48Al–2Cr–2Nb and elucidation of the smoke mechanism in the powder bed fusion electron beam melting process. Journal of Materials Science & Technology (137), pages 36–55.
[Yousefpour2022]Yousefpour, Negin, Pouragha, Mehdi (2022), Prediction of the post-failure behavior of rocks: Combining artificial intelligence and acoustic emission sensing. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics. (fulltext)
[Yuan2016]Yuan C., B. Chareyre, F. Darve (2016), Pore-scale simulations of drainage in granular materials: finite size effects and the representative elementary volume. Adv. in Water Ressources (95), pages 109–124.
[Yuan2017]Yuan C., B. Chareyre (2017), A pore-scale method for hydromechanical coupling in deformable granular media. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. DOI 10.1016/j.cma.2017.02.024 (fulltext)
[Yuan2018]Yuan, Chao, Chareyre, Bruno, Darve, Félix (2018), Deformation and stresses upon drainage of an idealized granular material. Acta Geotechnica (13). DOI 10.1016/j.cma.2017.02.024 (fulltext)
[Yuan2019]Yuan, Chao, Moscariello, Mariagiovanna, Cuomo, Sabatino, Chareyre, Bruno (2019), Numerical simulation of wetting-induced collapse in partially saturated granular soils. Granular Matter (21).
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Conference materials and book chapters

[1stYadeWorkshop]B. Chareyre (ed.), Booklet of presentations of the 1st Yade Workshop (2014). (fulltext)
[2ndYadeWorkshop]J. Duriez (ed.), 2nd YADE Workshop: Discrete-based modeling of multi-scale coupled problems. Booklet of Abstracts (2018). (fulltext)
[Aboul2016b]Aboul Hosn, R, Sibille, L, Benahmed, N, Chareyre, B (2016), A discrete numerical description of the mechanical response of soils subjected to degradation by suffusion. In Scour and Erosion: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Scour and Erosion (Oxford, UK, 12-15 September 2016).
[Aboul2017]Aboul Hosn, Rodaina, Nguyen, Cong Doan, Sibille, Luc, Benahmed, Nadia, Chareyre, Bruno (2017), Microscale Analysis of the Effect of Suffusion on Soil Mechanical Properties. In International Workshop on Bifurcation and Degradation in Geomaterials.
[Albaba2015b]Albaba, Adel, Lambert, Stéphane, Nicot, François, Chareyre, Bruno (2015), Modeling the Impact of Granular Flow against an Obstacle. In Recent Advances in Modeling Landslides and Debris Flows.
[Bonilla2014]Bonilla-Sierra, V, Donzé, FV, Scholtès, L, Elmouttie, M (2014), Coupling photogrammetric data with a discrete element model for rock slope stability assessment. In Rock Engineering and Rock Mechanics: Structures in and on Rock Masses.
[Bourrier2015b]Bourrier, Franck, Baroth, Julien, Lambert, Stéphane (2015), How Can Reliability-Based Approaches Improve the Design of Rockfall Protection Fences?. In Engineering Geology for Society and Territory-Volume 2.
[Catalano2011a]Catalano E., B. Chareyre, A. Cortis, E. Barthélémy (2011), A Pore-Scale Hydro-Mechanical coupled model for geomaterials. In II International Conference on Particle-based Methods - Fundamentals and Applications. (fulltext)
[Catalano2010b]Catalano E., B. Chareyre, E. Barthélémy (2010), Pore scale modelling of Stokes flow. In GdR MeGe.
[Catalano2013b]Catalano E., Chareyre B., Barthélémy E. (2013), DEM-PFV analysis of solid-fluid transition in granular sediments under the action of waves. In Powders and Grains 2013: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Micromechanics of Granular Media. AIP Conference Proceedings. DOI 10.1063/1.4812118 (fulltext)
[Catalano2009]Catalano E., B. Chareyre, E. Barthélémy (2009), Fluid-solid coupling in discrete models. In Alert Geomaterials Workshop 2009.
[Catalano2010a]Catalano E., B. Chareyre, E. Barthélémy (2010), A coupled model for fluid-solid interaction analysis in geomaterials. In Alert Geomaterials Workshop 2010.
[Caulk2019a]Caulk, R.A., Chareyre, B. (2019), An open framework for the simulation of coupled Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical processes in Discrete Element Systems. In 8th International Conference on Discrete Element Methods. (fulltext)
[Caulk2019b]Caulk, R.A.,, Kozicki, J., Kunhappan, D.,, Maurin, R.,, Montellà, E.P.,, Sweijen, T.,, Yuan, C.,, Chareyre, B. (2019), Yade’s (undeniable) transformation into a model project of optimzation, multi-physics couplings, and user support. In 8th International Conference on Discrete Element Methods. (fulltext)
[Caulk2019c]Caulk, Robert A, Kozicki, Janek, Kunhappan, Deepak, Maurin, Rapha”el (2019), Yade’s (undeniable) transformation into a model project of optimization, multi-physics couplings, and user support. In 8th International Conference on Discrete Element Methods (DEM8). (fulltext)
[Chareyre2011]Chareyre B., E. Catalano, E. Barthélémy (2011), Numerical simulation of hydromechanical couplings by combined discrete element method and finite-volumes. In International Conference on Flows and Mechanics in Natural Porous Media from Pore to Field Scale - Pore2Field. (fulltext)
[Chareyre2017b]Chareyre B., E. Nikooee , C. Chalak , C. Yuan (2017), Micromechanical Insights into the Effective Stresses. In Poromechanics VI. DOI 10.1061/9780784480779.051 (fulltext)
[Chareyre2012b]Chareyre B., L. Scholtès, F. Darve (2012), The properties of some stress tensors investigated by DEM simulations. In Euromech Colloquium 539; Mechanics of Unsaturated Porous Media: Effective Stress principle; from micromechanics to thermodynamics (fulltext)
[Chareyre2009]Chareyre B., Scholtès L. (2009), Micro-statics and micro-kinematics of capillary phenomena in dense granular materials. In POWDERS AND GRAINS 2009: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Micromechanics of Granular Media. AIP Conference Proceedings. DOI 10.1063/1.3180083
[Chareyre2019]Chareyre B.,, Montellà, E.P.,, Yuan, C.,, Gens, A. (2019), A hybrid pore network - LBM method for integrating flow of immiscible phases in DEM. In 8th International Conference on Discrete Element Methods. (fulltext)
[Chareyre2012c]Chareyre B. (2012), Micro-poromechanics: recent advances in numerical models and perspectives. In ICACM symposium 2012, The role of structure on emerging material properties
[Chareyre2017]Chareyre, Bruno, Yuan, Chao, Montella, Eduard P, Salager, Simon (2017), Toward multiscale modelings of grain-fluid systems. In EPJ Web of Conferences. (fulltext)
[Chen2008a]Chen, F., Drumm, E.C., Guiochon, G., Suzuki, K. (2008), Discrete Element Simulation of 1D Upward Seepage Flow with Particle-Fluid Interaction Using Coupled Open Source Software. In Proceedings of The 12th International Conference of the International Association for Computer Methods and Advances in Geomechanics (IACMAG) Goa, India.
[Chen2009b]Chen, F., Drumm, E.C., Guiochon, G. (2009), 3D DEM Analysis Of Graded Rock Fill Sinkhole Repair: Particle Size Effects On The Probability Of Stability. In Transportation Research Board Conference (Washington DC).
[Dang2008a]Dang, H.K., Mohamed, M.A. (2008), An algorithm to generate a specimen for Discrete Element simulations with a predefined grain size distribution.. In 61th Canadian Geotechnical Conference, Edmonton, Alberta.
[Dang2008b]Dang, H.K., Mohamed, M.A. (2008), 3D simulation of the trap door problem using the Discrete Element Method.. In 61th Canadian Geotechnical Conference, Edmonton, Alberta.
[Darve2016]Darve F., J. Duriez, R. Wan (2016), DEM modelling in Geomechanics: some recent breakthroughs. In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Discrete Element Methods.
[Duriez2020]Duriez J., C. Galusinski (2020), Level Set Representation on Octree for Granular Material with Arbitrary Grain Shape. In Proceedings Topical Problems of Fluid Mechanics 2020. DOI 10.14311/TPFM.2020.009 (fulltext)
[Duriez2017e]Duriez J., R. Wan, F. Darve (2017), Microstructural Views of Stresses in Three-Phase Granular Materials. In From Microstructure Investigations to Multiscale Modeling: Bridging the Gap ( D. Brancherie, P. Feissel, S. Bouvier and A. Ibrahimbegovic, ed.), John Wiley & Sons, Inc. , DOI 10.1002/9781119476757.ch6 (fulltext)
[Duriez2017d]Duriez J., R. Wan, M. Pouragha (2017), Partially Saturated Granular Materials: Insights From Micro-Mechanical Modelling. In 6th Biot Conference on Poromechanics. (fulltext)
[Duriez2015]Duriez J., R. Wan (2015), Effective stress in unsaturated granular materials: micro-mechanical insights. In Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering VI. (fulltext)
[Duriez2019]Duriez J., S. Duverger, R. Wan (2019), A micromechanical, μUNSAT, approach for wet granular soils. In 8th International Conference on Discrete Element Methods. (fulltext)
[Duriez2022a]Duriez, J., Galusinski, C., Golay, F., Bonelli, S. (2022), Modélisations numériques discrètes de matériaux granulaires à partir d’une description Level Set des particules. In 25e Congr`es Franccais de M’ecanique (CFM 2022).
[Duriez2022b]Duriez, J., Galusinski, C., Golay, F., Bonelli, S. (2022), A discrete element method for granular solids with a level set shape description. In The 8th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS Congress 2022).
[Duriez2023]Duriez, J., Golay, F., Bonelli, S., Galusinski, C. (2023), A Level Set approach for non-spherical DEM in YADE. In DEM9: 9th International Conference on Discrete Element Methods.
[Effeindzourou2015]Effeindzourou A., K. Thoeni, A. Giacomini, S.W. Sloan (2015), A discrete model for rock impacts on muckpiles. In Computer Methods and Recent Advances in Geomechanics. (fulltext)
[Effeindzourou2015a]Effeindzourou, A., Thoeni, K., Chareyre, B., Giacomini, A. (2015), A general method for modelling deformable structures in DEM. In Particle-Based Methods IV: Fundamentals and Applications.
[Elias2013]Eliáš, J. (2013), Dem simulation of railway ballast using polyhedral elemental shapes. In Particle-Based Methods III: Fundamentals and Applications - Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Particle-based MethodsFundamentals and Applications, Particles 2013. (fulltext)
[Farahnak2022]Farahnak, Mojtaba, Wan, Richard, Pouragha, Mehdi, Nicot, Franccois (2022), Perturbations in Granular Materials: Subtleties in DEM Modeling. In International Workshop on Bifurcation and Degradation in Geomaterials.
[Favier2009b]Favier L., D. Daudon, F. Donzé, J. Mazars (2009), Validation of a DEM granular flow model aimed at forecasting snow avalanche pressure. In AIP Conference Proceedings. DOI 10.1063/1.3180002 (fulltext)
[Frey2017]Frey P., R. Maurin, L. Morchid-Alaoui, S. Gupta, J. Chauchat (2017), Vertical size segregation numerical experiments in bedload sediment transport with a coupled fluid-discrete element model. In Proceedings of Powder and Grains 2017. (fulltext)
[Gillibert2009]Gillibert L., Flin F., Rolland du Roscoat S., Chareyre B., Philip A., Lesaffre B., Meyssonier J. (2009), Curvature-driven grain segmentation: application to snow images from X-ray microtomography. In IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (Miami, USA).
[Gladky2015a]Gladky, Anton, Lieberwirth, Holger, Schwarze, Ruediger (2015), DEM simulation of the dry and weakly wetted bulk flow on a pelletizing table. In 13th U.S. National Congress on Computational Mechanics.
[Gladky2015b]Gladky, Anton, Roy, Sudeshna, Weinhart, Thomas, Luding, Stefan, Schwarze, Ruediger (2015), DEM simulations of weakly wetted granular materials: implementation of capillary bridge models. In Fourth Conference on Particle-Based Methods (PARTICLES 2015). (fulltext)
[Guo2013]Guo Ning, Jidong Zhao (2013), A hierarchical model for cross-scale simulation of granular media. In Powders and Grains 2013: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Micromechanics of Granular Media. AIP Conference Proceedings. DOI 10.1063/1.4812158 (fulltext)
[Guo2014b]Guo, Ning, Zhao, Jidong (2015), A Multiscale Investigation of Strain Localization in Cohesionless Sand. In Bifurcation and Degradation of Geomaterials in the New Millennium ( Chau, Kam-Tim and Zhao, Jidong, ed.), DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-13506-9_18 (fulltext)
[Hadda2013b]Hadda Nejib, François Nicot, Luc Sibille, Farhang Radjai, Antoinette Tordesillas, Félix Darve (2013), A multiscale description of failure in granular materials. In Powders and Grains 2013: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Micromechanics of Granular Media. AIP Conference Proceedings. DOI 10.1063/1.4811999 (fulltext)
[Hadda2015b]Hadda, N, Bourrier, F, Sibille, L, Nicot, F, Wan, R, Darve, F (2015), A microstructural cluster-based description of diffuse and localized failures. In Geomechanics from Micro to Macro: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Geomechanics from Micro and Macro (IS-Cambridge 2014).
[Harthong2013]Harthong Barthélémy, Richard G Wan (2009), Directional plastic flow and fabric dependencies in granular materials. In Powders and Grains 2013: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Micromechanics of Granular Media. AIP Conference Proceedings. DOI (fulltext)
[Hasan2010b]Hasan A., B. Chareyre, J. Kozicki, F. Flin, F. Darve, J. Meyssonnier (2010), Microtomography-based Discrete Element Modeling to Simulate Snow Microstructure Deformation. In AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts
[Hicher2009]Hicher P.-Y., Scholtès L., Chareyre B., Nicot F., Darve F. (2008), On the capillary stress tensor in wet granular materials. In Inaugural International Conference of the Engineering Mechanics Institute (EM08) - (Minneapolis, USA).
[Hicher2011]Hicher, P.Y, Scholtès, L., Sibille, L. (2011), Multiscale Modeling of Particle Removal Impact on Granular Material Behavior. In Engineering Mechanics Institute, EMI 2011.
[Hilton2013b]Hilton J. E., P. W. Cleary, A. Tordesillas (2013), Unitary stick-slip motion in granular beds. In Powders and Grains 2013: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Micromechanics of Granular Media. AIP Conference Proceedings. DOI 10.1063/1.4812063 (fulltext)
[Huang2022]Huang, Duruo, Yuan, Zhengxin, Yang, Siyuan, Amini, Pedram Fardad, Wang, Gang, Jin, Feng (2022), Multiple Liquefaction of Granular Soils: A New Stacked Ring Torsional Shear Apparatus and Discrete Element Modeling. In Conference on Performance-based Design in Earthquake. Geotechnical Engineering.
[Kalogeropoulos2023]Kalogeropoulos, A, Michalakopoulos, T (2023), Numerical simulation of the rock cutting process using the discrete element method. In Expanding Underground-Knowledge and Passion to Make a Positive Impact on the World CRC Press ,
[Kozicki2007c]Kozicki J., J. Tejchman (2007), Simulations of fracture processes in concrete using a 3D lattice model. In Int. Conf. on Computational Fracture and Failure of Materials and Structures (CFRAC 2007), Nantes. (fulltext)
[Kozicki2007d]Kozicki J., J. Tejchman (2007), Effect of aggregate density on fracture process in concrete using 2D discrete lattice model. In Proc. Conf. Computer Methods in Mechanics (CMM 2007), Lodz-Spala.
[Kozicki2007e]Kozicki J., J. Tejchman (2007), Modelling of a direct shear test in granular bodies with a continuum and a discrete approach. In Proc. Conf. Computer Methods in Mechanics (CMM 2007), Lodz-Spala.
[Kozicki2007f]Kozicki J., J. Tejchman (2007), Investigations of size effect in tensile fracture of concrete using a lattice model. In Proc. Conf. Modelling of Heterogeneous Materials with Applications in Construction and Biomedical Engineering (MHM 2007), Prague.
[Kozicki2006b]Kozicki J., J. Tejchman (2006), Modelling of fracture process in brittle materials using a lattice model. In Computational Modelling of Concrete Structures, EURO-C (eds.: G. Meschke, R. de Borst, H. Mang and N. Bicanic), Taylor anf Francis.
[Kozicki2006c]Kozicki J., J. Tejchman (2006), Lattice type fracture model for brittle materials. In 35th Solid Mechanics Conference (SOLMECH 2006), Krakow.
[Kozicki2005b]Kozicki J., J. Tejchman (2005), Simulations of fracture in concrete elements using a discrete lattice model. In Proc. Conf. Computer Methods in Mechanics (CMM 2005), Czestochowa, Poland.
[Kozicki2005c]Kozicki J., J. Tejchman (2005), Simulation of the crack propagation in concrete with a discrete lattice model. In Proc. Conf. Analytical Models and New Concepts in Concrete and Masonry Structures (AMCM 2005), Gliwice, Poland.
[Kozicki2004a]Kozicki J., J. Tejchman (2004), Study of Fracture Process in Concrete using a Discrete Lattice Model. In CURE Workshop, Simulations in Urban Engineering, Gdansk.
[Kozicki2003a]Kozicki J., J. Tejchman (2003), Discrete methods to describe the behaviour of quasi-brittle and granular materials. In 16th Engineering Mechanics Conference, University of Washington, Seattle, CD–ROM.
[Kozicki2003c]Kozicki J., J. Tejchman (2003), Lattice method to describe the behaviour of quasi-brittle materials. In CURE Workshop, Effective use of building materials, Sopot.
[Kozicki2011]Kozicki J., J. Tejchman (2011), Numerical simulation of sand behaviour using DEM with two different descriptions of grain roughness. In II International Conference on Particle-based Methods - Fundamentals and Applications. (fulltext)
[Kozicki2013]Kozicki Jan, Jacek Tejchman, Danuta Lesniewska (2013), Study of some micro-structural phenomena in granular shear zones. In Powders and Grains 2013: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Micromechanics of Granular Media. AIP Conference Proceedings. DOI 10.1063/1.4811976 (fulltext)
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[Caulk2022]Caulk, Robert Alexander (2022), Mod’elisation micro-macro par la m’ethode des ‘el’ements discrets (DEM) du comportement `a long terme des scellements de puits sous sollicitation hydraulique-gaz. PhD thesis at Universit’e Grenoble Alpes. (fulltext)
[Charlas2013]Charlas Benoit (2013), Etude du comportement mécanique d’un hydrure intermétallique utilisé pour le stockage d’hydrogène. PhD thesis at Université de Grenoble. (fulltext)
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[Deng2022]Deng, Na (2022), Microm’ecanique de l’‘etat critique et son ‘emergence dans la mod’elisation multi-‘echelle de la rupture des sols. PhD thesis at Universit’e Grenoble Alpes. (fulltext)
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[Duverger2023]Duverger, Sacha (2023), A multi-scale, MPMxDEM, numerical modelling approach for geotechnical structures under severe loading. PhD thesis at Aix-Marseille Universit’e (AMU).
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[GaeblerMedack2013]Gäbler, Nils, Medack, Jörg (2013), Experimental and simulative study of particle dynamics on a chute. Project work at Institute of Mechanics and Fluid Dynamics, TU Bergakademie Freiberg.
[GentzAverhausVilbusch2014]Gentz, Julia, Averhaus, Jan, Vilbusch, Stephan (2014), Numerical simulation of particle movement on a pelletizing disc – set-up and validation of a DEM model. Project work at Institute of Mechanics and Fluid Dynamics, TU Bergakademie Freiberg.
[Gladky2019]Gladky, Anton (2019), Numerische Untersuchung der Beanspruchung in Gutbettwalzenmühlen mit idealisierten Materialien (in german). PhD thesis at Institute of Mineral Processing Machines, TU Bergakademie Freiberg.
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[Haustein2021a]Haustein, Martin (2021), Beitrag zur Untersuchung von Partikelinteraktionen in Suspensionen am Beispiel von Stahl und Beton (in german). PhD thesis at Institute of Mechanics and Fluid Dynamics, TU Bergakademie Freiberg. (fulltext)
[Jakob2016]Jakob Christian (2016), Numerische Modellierung des Verflüssigungsverhaltens von Kippen des Braunkohlenbergbaus beim und nach dem Wiederaufgang von Grundwasser (in german with extended summary in english). PhD thesis at TU Bergakademie Freiberg. (fulltext)
[Jerier2009b]Jerier, J.F. (2009), Modélisation de la compression haute densité des poudres métalliques ductiles par la méthode des éléments discrets (in french). PhD thesis at Université Grenoble I – Joseph Fourier. (fulltext)
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[Kunhappan2018]Kunhappan, Deepak (2018), Numerical modeling of long flexible fibers in inertial flows.. PhD thesis at Université Grenoble Alpes. (fulltext)
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[Medack2014]Medack, Jörg (2014), Untersuchungen zur Beeinflussung der örtlichen Aufgabegutverteilung auf der Schurre eines Hammerbrechers (in german). Master thesis at Institute for Mineral Processing Machines, TU Bergakademie Freiberg.
[Morales2012a]Morales D. (2012), Cave Back Estimation Through Discrete Element Method, Based on Production Information. Master thesis at Universidad de Chile. (fulltext)
[Pircher2021]Pircher Paul (2021), A DEM model for elastic sleepers to study dynamic railway track behaviour. Master thesis at Montanuniversität Leoben. DOI 10.34901/ (fulltext)
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[Stein2017]Stein Gerhard Wolfgang (2017), Design und Implementierung einer modularisierten Diskrete Elemente Methode Software. PhD thesis at Ruhr-Universität Bochum. (fulltext)
[Stransky2018]Stránský Jan (2018), Mesoscale Discrete Element Model for Concrete and Its Combination with FEM. PhD thesis at Czech Technical University in Prague. (fulltext)
[Tran2011b]TRAN Van Tieng (2011), Structures en béton soumises à des chargements mécaniques extrêmes: modélisation de la réponse locale par la méthode des éléments discrets (in french). PhD thesis at Université Grenoble I – Joseph Fourier. (fulltext)

Yade Technical Archive

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[Maurin2018b]Maurin, R. (2018), YADE 1D vertical VANS fluid resolution: Theoretical basis. Yade Technical Archive. (fulltext)
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